Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why we watch Rashomon

In class we watched the film Rashomon. It was very interesting to say the least and brought up a great discussion for the class. The question is, why watch a movie like Rashomon in a communications class. Well here goes. First, the movie is about the different perspectives of those involved in a rape and murder. Each person’s views of the events were different and it is often that way with anything. It is important in communications to understand that each person is going to add or subtract things from the way that they interpret things and no one is ever going to see anything the same. With the idea of mass media, each source seems to spin a story in the direction that is pleasing to them to get their ratings up. Big issues concerning the Country like the Trayvonne Martin case and the presidential election are both examples of how media play a role in swaying listeners and readers to one side or another. Very rarely is the issue addressed in a non-biased manor. To understand communications, one must understand the multidimensional purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you tied this to current events 25/25
