Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What three technologies made the greatest impact on mass communications?

While there have been many technological advancements that have helped to shape our culture and how we communicate through mass means, I have to pick what I feel were the top three most influential to the way that we live today. I would say that my top three would be the telegraph, the television, and lastly the computer.

I picked the telegraph because it was the first advancement that provided us to communicate in a mass way and led to other inventions like the telephone that allowed us to communicate with words.

I picked the television; because, it gave the concept of radio an image. We were able to see and hear our entertainment without having to go to the theater and watching plays.  T.V. was also a great way to hear about what was going on in other places at a faster rate.

Lastly, I picked the internet as being one of the most influential technologies because of its ability to expand knowledge. We can simply type in a topic and receive many results and information that would have been longer to access in the matter of seconds.

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