Monday, August 27, 2012

How well and ow fairly do you believe African Americans, Latinos and othe ethnic groups are represented in American media

In the past, African Americans and other ethnic groups struggled to hold dignified positions in American media. In movies, they were portrayed as neanderthals that could not think for themselves and needed guidance from their more knowledgeable Caucacian counterparts. In media, they often felt were held at the same regard.

Today, it can be said that the images of minorities has gotten better through tolerance and increased acceptance, but there is still a ways to go. African Americans and Hispanics are still often viewed in a negative light. It is stereotypical belief that movies are shown with minorities being the aggressive, violent type. Images of pimps, drug dealers, and criminals are often depicted in movies that minorities are in. In media, like on the news, the majority of headlines show the minorities as criminals of violent crimes more often than not. Even in on scene interviews, it seems like the most undesirable people are shown, giving a false representation of what the culture is like.

I believe that these images influence the way that other cultures view minorities and cause a certain level of fear and stereotypes about the groups. So the answer to the question of whether how well or how fairly African Americans and Latinos and other ethnic groups are represented in American media? I would say that while they have improved tremendously, there is still a long way to go to show the true essence of what these ethnic groups are actually about and in doing so, there will be a better understanding and tolerance of each.

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