Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What was Edward R Murrow's style of journalism and what impact did it have on the field of journalism?

Edward Murrow was a very honest journalist that was not afraid to report on the issues facing the nation at a time when it was not socially acceptable to go against the "powers that be". His integrity was his driving force and was also what got him in the most trouble. Honesty is sometimes controversial and he epidimizes that statement. His impact on journalism is still prevelant today despite the increasing need of media outlets to focus on the trivial issues of Actors and others in the public eye. Hard hitting issues are still being challenged by those journalists who seek to walk in the food steps of Eward Murrow and seek the truth. He was a voice of the people and represented the needs of so many that had no voices against those political leaders like Joseph McCarthy, who violated the American people by using his own agenda to gain popularity or reverence.

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