Monday, August 27, 2012

Why is the film "Sunset Blvd" celebrated today?

The film "Sunset Blvd" continues to be celebrated today because it represents the change of the quality of movies. Even though the movies was presented in black and white, it depicts the evolution of movies from silent to dialogue. It also shows the difficulty that some of the earlier actors and actresses had when cinema changes. One of the lead characters alienated herself and struggles with no longer being everyones' ideal. This feeling is relevant today with the constant transition of movies and the need for entertainers to increase their acting range, look, and overall persona. A good example of this is the change to high definition. Actors today have to look the part as well as be able to act. Older actors may have an issue with all of their imperfections being shown for everyone to see. The movie is representative of the difficulty of changes in the past and the present.

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