Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why do today's magazines target specialized audiences for readership

In today’s society magazines have increased tremendously from those of the past whose focus was probably geared toward house wives. They showed cleaning products and the different recipes. While these magazines still do exist and have evolved to include every aspect of living, there are also other magazines focused on other things. There are those geared toward professionals, like magazines on finance, the stock market, and even increasing your wealth. There are also magazines geared toward sports, giving statistics on current players and providing tips on how the reader can improve their game. Magazines seek to gain the attention of every type of reader imaginable. In a recent class, we learned that it’s the younger crowd that is reading the majority of the magazines nowadays. This can be attributed to the new information age and our love for celebrities and their daily activities. We seek to know what they are doing at all times and flock to stands to get the latest information. With each of these different target areas, magazines increase their revenue and increase the chances of one of their magazines being in every household. And isn’t that the goal?

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