Tuesday, September 11, 2012
How did the computer make the transition to everyday technology
Computers became popularized in homes primarily when the internet came in to play. Even though computers were in homes, the use was limited to single programs and maintained much the same use of a typewriter. Typing things was easier with the computer because of the ability to erase things before printing but the computer was not an exciting addition to the home. With the invention of the internet came the ability to expand what was seen and learned. I believe that this is when the computer became a must have product in the home. Everyone could use it and it became the centerpoint of the home because of its new technological uses.
Do audience members have the power to subvert messages brought to them by the mass media?
Audience members do have the power to subvert or judge messages brought by the mass media. As individuals, we have the ability to accept and dismiss anything that comes to us that we do not agree with. We can censor our minds to believe in what we hear, or we can reject the things that we hear through mass media. One of the problems is that we often rely on media and tend to believe what we hear, especially if we hear it often enough. We as listeners and viewers want what comes to us through media sources to be true so badly that we rarely check the validity of matters ourselves before running with the information. One big example of this is the social media websites. There were pictures of stars like "Morgan Freeman" and others claiming that they were deceased and wishing condolences on the families. I saw many responses to the posts saying how sad they were for the loss of these famous people but it was a hoax. This demonstrates our lack of fact checking skills and our vulnerability to mass media and what is put out there. While we have the power to filter our information, rarely do we do it.
What are the three main arguments given by advertising's critics and by its supporters?
Some of the main arguments against advertising is that it adds to the cost of the product. Because of such extreme measures that are being taken the product makers, we the consumer pay a larger price than otherwise objected. So in essence, we are paying for the advertisement that convinces us to make the purchase in the first place. The second critique is that advertising causes the consumer to purchase items that we don't otherwise need. We are suckered in to a good ad that convinces us that we just have to have a product and once we get it, we may use it once and then it sits on the shelf collecting dust. The third argument is that advertising reduces competition and and causes monopolies. One product brand has the advantage over the rest by committing to more expensive marketing tools and gets the most attention from consumers than others. Now flip this argument and the same answers can be for those supporting advertising methods. They want the consumer to believe that their item is needed. They want to be head and shoulders above the rest of the companies selling the same product and they want the consumer to pay more for the brands to make money.
How has the culture of marketig come to shape the way American's understand the world and themselves?
Marketing plays a big role in everything that we as consumers purchase. We watch television and get adds, receive adds in the newspaper, magazines and even billboards. We see advertisements everywhere we look, telling us that we need this product or that. We as consumers come to believe that we need to jump the highest, so we get a certain advertised sneaker, we need to cook the best, so we purchase a famous chef's brand of cook ware, and we need to be at our healthiest, so we look for the over the counter medications that will help us get well fastest. We are drawn in to marketing schemes that play on our insecurities as buyers and tempt us with the most colorful ads. Our children are targets of the marketing world and beg for the exciting new toy that they saw advertised during their favorite morning cartoon, or the cereal that they have to have because their favorite character eats it in a television program. Marketing strategists count on being able to get as us on all levels, from mother, father, children and even grandparents. There is always a marketing gimmick to get at us and no foreseeable solution to the issue of eliminating the hold that the marketing world has on us.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Why is it tempting to misuse power online? What positive things can social- networking sites achieve when used to their full potential?
Viral word is so important because it cannot be taken back. Once information is out there, it cannot be takcn back. It can be deleted but not erased because once posted, someone else has seen it. It leads to conversations and debates among people and eventually back to the person that it is about. This can be hurtful and embarassing to individuals who would rather their information or business be kept private. It is quite tempting to misuse your power online because of the same reasons. If someone makes you mad, you have the ability to humiliate them to the masses. When used correctly, social networks can be influential in finding people from your past, networking for jobs and social events.
What three technologies made the greatest impact on mass communications?
While there have been many technological advancements that have helped to shape our culture and how we communicate through mass means, I have to pick what I feel were the top three most influential to the way that we live today. I would say that my top three would be the telegraph, the television, and lastly the computer.
I picked the telegraph because it was the first advancement that provided us to communicate in a mass way and led to other inventions like the telephone that allowed us to communicate with words.
I picked the television; because, it gave the concept of radio an image. We were able to see and hear our entertainment without having to go to the theater and watching plays. T.V. was also a great way to hear about what was going on in other places at a faster rate.
Lastly, I picked the internet as being one of the most influential technologies because of its ability to expand knowledge. We can simply type in a topic and receive many results and information that would have been longer to access in the matter of seconds.
Explain the concept of the digital divide. Why does the digital divide exist? List and explain three actions by government, corporations or individuals that would help eliminate the divide.
The concept of the digital divide is explainable by saying that it is the inequality of the provided technologies. For instance, the internet or some of its programs are more accessible than in other countries that may not have the privilege of having computers in their homes. There are areas on the planet that don’t have the luxury for running water or electricity either. The digital divide exists because there is a socioeconomic divide. Governments can help eliminate the divide by providing laws that govern everyone and not just certain areas. Corporations can help by providing more cost efficient methods to areas that are not financially sound as others. Individuals can help eliminate the divide by scaling down or using less. They can also help by being proactive and voicing concern regarding the subject. Alone, one voice may not be heard, but a million voices can be heard clearly.
Why ws the telegraph considered the Victorian internet?
The telegraph was considered the Victorian internet because it served some of the same functions as that of the internet. It was used to send messages mass means and actually got messages out quicker than the hand method. Much like the internet, individuals could communicate with one another using the telegraph method and there were even private messages being sent out. This is interesting because, while the telegraph used code, there was still an opportunity for privacy. With the internet, you can send private messages to one another also but in a different way. Also like the internet, the telegraph crossed continents and expanded beyond what people could imagine. Messages could be hacked and information leaked much like the internet as well.
Monday, August 27, 2012
How well and ow fairly do you believe African Americans, Latinos and othe ethnic groups are represented in American media
In the past, African Americans and other ethnic groups struggled to hold dignified positions in American media. In movies, they were portrayed as neanderthals that could not think for themselves and needed guidance from their more knowledgeable Caucacian counterparts. In media, they often felt were held at the same regard.
Today, it can be said that the images of minorities has gotten better through tolerance and increased acceptance, but there is still a ways to go. African Americans and Hispanics are still often viewed in a negative light. It is stereotypical belief that movies are shown with minorities being the aggressive, violent type. Images of pimps, drug dealers, and criminals are often depicted in movies that minorities are in. In media, like on the news, the majority of headlines show the minorities as criminals of violent crimes more often than not. Even in on scene interviews, it seems like the most undesirable people are shown, giving a false representation of what the culture is like.
I believe that these images influence the way that other cultures view minorities and cause a certain level of fear and stereotypes about the groups. So the answer to the question of whether how well or how fairly African Americans and Latinos and other ethnic groups are represented in American media? I would say that while they have improved tremendously, there is still a long way to go to show the true essence of what these ethnic groups are actually about and in doing so, there will be a better understanding and tolerance of each.
Today, it can be said that the images of minorities has gotten better through tolerance and increased acceptance, but there is still a ways to go. African Americans and Hispanics are still often viewed in a negative light. It is stereotypical belief that movies are shown with minorities being the aggressive, violent type. Images of pimps, drug dealers, and criminals are often depicted in movies that minorities are in. In media, like on the news, the majority of headlines show the minorities as criminals of violent crimes more often than not. Even in on scene interviews, it seems like the most undesirable people are shown, giving a false representation of what the culture is like.
I believe that these images influence the way that other cultures view minorities and cause a certain level of fear and stereotypes about the groups. So the answer to the question of whether how well or how fairly African Americans and Latinos and other ethnic groups are represented in American media? I would say that while they have improved tremendously, there is still a long way to go to show the true essence of what these ethnic groups are actually about and in doing so, there will be a better understanding and tolerance of each.
Which audience age category is most attactive to today's moviemakers? why?
According to the text book "Media/Impact" written by Shirley Biagi, the target audience for today's movie makers are mature audiences over the age of 30 and children because these are the people who are most interested in movies. Children because they bring their parents to the movies and older adults because they are more settled in their life and use movies as a major source of entertainment in their lives.
I can understand the reason for their target audience. Younger adult individuals tend to be more active and seek out more than one source of entertainment. Children are tempted by the popularity of the characters and images of their favorite action stars being popularized on the big screen and tend to be drawn to the overall experience of the movie theaters.
I can understand the reason for their target audience. Younger adult individuals tend to be more active and seek out more than one source of entertainment. Children are tempted by the popularity of the characters and images of their favorite action stars being popularized on the big screen and tend to be drawn to the overall experience of the movie theaters.
What did the early motion pictures do to change mass communication?
Early motion pictures changed mass communications because it led to it. With the invention of the movie picture camera, there was the ability to convey images in various places. before that, it was difficult for actors and movie production agencies to get to the people. The image of live productions comes to mind when I think of this. The productions had to come to the people instead of the people going to the cinema to watch films. Messages had a better way of getting to everyone with the development of motion pictures. Entertainment essentially became mass. Without people like W.K.L. Dickson and other inventors that had the passion to expand entertainment, there would be no motion pictures or increased communications today. It has influenced the modern television and the things that we view, as well as computer images and picture technology.
Why is the film "Sunset Blvd" celebrated today?
The film "Sunset Blvd" continues to be celebrated today because it represents the change of the quality of movies. Even though the movies was presented in black and white, it depicts the evolution of movies from silent to dialogue. It also shows the difficulty that some of the earlier actors and actresses had when cinema changes. One of the lead characters alienated herself and struggles with no longer being everyones' ideal. This feeling is relevant today with the constant transition of movies and the need for entertainers to increase their acting range, look, and overall persona. A good example of this is the change to high definition. Actors today have to look the part as well as be able to act. Older actors may have an issue with all of their imperfections being shown for everyone to see. The movie is representative of the difficulty of changes in the past and the present.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The competition between television manufacturers helped to produce better, less expensive television sets for consumers. compare the compitition between television manufacturers during the 1940s and 1950s with computer companies today.
In the beginning of television production there were not many companies providing television sets. There were a small group of companies manufacturing television sets. This was until other companies saw the need to produce less expensive sets. The same can be said for the computer industry. Today, the computer is taking over much like that of the television years ago. Everyone is running to get the latest technology. Computer companies see the need to produce less expensive versions to appeal to those consumers that might not be able to purchase the top of the line Apple product or ereader. This gives everyone the opportunity to experience the phenomenon without breaking the bank.
How did the quiz show scandals of the 1950s affect the relationship between advertisers and the networks?
The quiz show scandals of the 1950s set the tone for how advertisers and the networks work with each other today. The quiz show era of the 50's saw a rise in popularity of game shows and was a dominating force in television. Viewers were entertained by the newness and, dare I say, reality of it all. Many of the shows were rigged and that led to many sanctions and regulations. The honor system nolonger exhisted. The networks lost viewers and ultimately money through the forced cancellation of shows. Today, the industry is motivated by ratings and money. They are heavily regulated and leave little to no room for the scandals of the past to come again.
What was the social impact of TV?
It is no surprise that television has a major impact on society. Everything that you could possibly need is being advertised and pushed on you through the television. It is not just the products, it is popularity, style and the overall way of life (or what life should by as represented by those in charge) that is being sold to us through television programming, commercials and infomercials. Through shows, we are being taught how to act, what is and is not acceptible or popular to wear and even what careers are popular. One could believe that television has too much control over its viewers and that we are beginning to live a fantasy life. It could also be argues that the increase in crimes rates could be due to the rising level of violence being broadcasted daily. I agree with those that think that television impacts the very existance of its followers and has the overwhelming potential to suck us into its fantacy grip.
What was Edward R Murrow's style of journalism and what impact did it have on the field of journalism?
Edward Murrow was a very honest journalist that was not afraid to report on the issues facing the nation at a time when it was not socially acceptable to go against the "powers that be". His integrity was his driving force and was also what got him in the most trouble. Honesty is sometimes controversial and he epidimizes that statement. His impact on journalism is still prevelant today despite the increasing need of media outlets to focus on the trivial issues of Actors and others in the public eye. Hard hitting issues are still being challenged by those journalists who seek to walk in the food steps of Eward Murrow and seek the truth. He was a voice of the people and represented the needs of so many that had no voices against those political leaders like Joseph McCarthy, who violated the American people by using his own agenda to gain popularity or reverence.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What are the agenda setting and gate-keeping functions of media?
Media plays a very important role for society. Media has the job of informing and posting questions that would insight thought. Media is multi-faceted in that there are many outlets for the media to communicate to people. Media is involved with television, books, radio, internet and newspapers. Media is important because it has the ability to influence people and sway views. Media sets the tone for public opinion by introducing issues that they think should be highlighted. Sometimes media introduces and persuades participants that the agenda presented should be important to the public as well. The agenda demonstrates what we watch, listen to, and even what we do. Music is popularized by the media coverage influence the young as well regardless of intent. We fashion many aspects of our lives based on what we see and hear from the media.
How have recent technologies (ipod, iphone) affected the music recording and performance industry in ways other than file sharing?
It is easy to believe that new gadgets like the ipod or the iPhone would have a negative effect on the music recording industry. In the past, artists had to rely heavily on their talent to be successful. There were not machines to inhance their voices to make them appear better than they actually were. There was a need for extreme showmanship and the ability to use their voices to prove that they were deserving of the notoriety that they received. Today, with technologies like amps and auto tune machines, it seems that anyone off the street could produce music. There is no need to prove talent anymore. A bad voice can easily be turned into something wonderful when making music. Another issue regarding recording arises with things like the iphone and ipod, that make it easy to download music and changes the way that the recording industry makes their money. There isn’t as high a demand for purchasing records as there used to be, one can simply download the music that they wanted to hear.
What impact did radio have on society?
Radio was and continues to be important to society. Radio established an easy way to receive and give information in a time where it was not simple to get information on events concerning the nation. Radio has been a continuous source of entertainment, information and news. In the past, there was no television, and radio provided individuals with the opportunity of visualizing events through their ears. Radio continues to be just as important as in the past, we listen to it in our cars, while we bathe, and even during cooking. It is easy to believe that there is a radio in everyone’s home even today, there seems to be a continuous need for radio despite the many technological advancements of today.
Would the same panic occur it the War of the Worlds Scandal occurred today?
I believe that time played a major role in the events of The War of the Worlds. During the time of the War of the worlds, it was easy for the American people to be fooled because the only form of communication at that time was the radio. Today, there are all sorts of media outlets; we have the internet, television, and radio. There are many ways to verify information today that would assure the validity of any claim. I don’t think that the War of the Worlds hoax would be successful today. With all of the technological advancements along with general skepticism of the American people, the hoax would have to be more elaborate and multifaceted to be successful.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
How can cognitive dissonance help you as a communicator
First I would like to explain cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time. Mastering the principals of cognitive dissonance help you to better communicate by bringing to light the thought process needed to determine what will make an encounter with another more positive or a product or service more enticing to the consumer. Cognitive dissonance makes you think and feel one way when you had already thought and felt another. As a communicator I would use cognitive dissonance to persuade an audience to feel and think as I do and continue to perceive me as being right. This may seem arrogant to some but consider it, each writer or story teller is doing the same thing. They are trying to influence the reader or listeners thoughts. They want you to agree with them, and if you don't in the beginning, they want to convince you to do so by appearing to be more knowledgeable than you on the subject.
How did photography impact communication history
Photography impacts not just communication but life itself. A photograph can say a thousand words and mean a million different thing. A photograph can give a person many emotions and the next no feelings at all. Photography impacted communication history by the outstanding power of visual description, used to record, report, and inform. Photographs are primarily used in newspaper's, magazines, books, and on television to conveyed information and advertise products. Without photographs there would be no way of knowing so much about our historic past. photographs were painted by ones perception of our past, present and future history. The very first photographic image was made with a camera by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the summer of 1827. Photographs provided sight to thought. It also gave us the opportunity to remember by sight, events of the past. Today, photography is still needed and will continue to be needed to give that extra insight into the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of works. Descriptions of thought.
Why do today's magazines target specialized audiences for readership
In today’s society magazines have increased tremendously from those of the past whose focus was probably geared toward house wives. They showed cleaning products and the different recipes. While these magazines still do exist and have evolved to include every aspect of living, there are also other magazines focused on other things. There are those geared toward professionals, like magazines on finance, the stock market, and even increasing your wealth. There are also magazines geared toward sports, giving statistics on current players and providing tips on how the reader can improve their game. Magazines seek to gain the attention of every type of reader imaginable. In a recent class, we learned that it’s the younger crowd that is reading the majority of the magazines nowadays. This can be attributed to the new information age and our love for celebrities and their daily activities. We seek to know what they are doing at all times and flock to stands to get the latest information. With each of these different target areas, magazines increase their revenue and increase the chances of one of their magazines being in every household. And isn’t that the goal?
Why Stephey Glass did what he did and what ethical flags does it raise.
Stephen Glass, a former writer for The New Republic whose over the top stories had gained him notoriety as a journalist, was discovered to be one of the biggest liar’s in journalism. Many wonder why he did the things that he did and it may be hard to come up with the answer without getting it from him. It is possible that he fabricated his works to make them appear more interesting to readers and gain notoriety for him. As seen in the Movie, Shattered Glass, the magazine focused on factual and mainly political or industrial pieces. It was in no way considered an entertaining magazine. Stephen, who appeared to relish in the limelight and affections of his peers appeared to be encouraged by the lure of wealth. While attempting to downplay to his co-workers what he was doing, he wrote articles for other magazines and embellished stories as well. First thought would be that he did it for the money, but a more analytical approach would be that he did it for the fame, the chances, and for people to see him as a great journalist that goes above and beyond to get the story.
Despite the reasons that he had for committing the acts that he did, there are obvious ethical flags that are raised as well. Magazines such as the ones that he wrote articles for are considered highly esteemed and truthful in their reporting. It can be perceived that it speaks volumes on the way that they run their companies to have such occurances. One might ask how did Stephen Glass pull off so many falsified articles without drawing alert to himself. It might also draw conclusions that these actions were going on with more than one journalist. It breaks the trust of the readers and alienates the magazine from more reputable ones who have a tighter grip on their journalists actions.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
What is mass communications
Mass communications is the term used to describe the academic study of the varies means by which individuals and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time. The history of communication is wide and varied. Around 2900 bc Sumerians developed cuneiform writing. This is what started our most popular topic communication and technology. Writing letters sending emails making phone calls and driving from place to place. these are just some types of communications easy to access. With the printing press being invented in 1455 the fist daily newspaper was sent out in 1650. In 1876 the electric telephone was patented and in 1936 we have the first freely programmable computer was invented. life has become so advanced and portable.
Will new technologies like ebooks replace print books? why or why not?
Technology is on a constant wave of change. Constantly making things easier to access reach and learn. Printed books can never be replaced. For there to be an ebook there has to first be a printed book to copy from. Printed books may be used less but still upheld due to vintage never going out of style. Antiques becoming priceless or shall I say expensive a treasure perhaps. Our past is all we have and alot of history have been placed in books. theres alot in books that ebooks will never know.. no matter how technology changes some things will always remain the same and books are untouchable
what impact did written language have on communication
Communication has evolved differently every decade due to someone wanting more. more ways to talk to someone. more ways of knowing about different things from different parts of the world. more ways to learn. written language has path the way for technology. writing puts agreements laws commandments on record. it made the growth of states larger. it made a continuous historical consciousness possible. the command of the priest or king could go far beyond his sight and voice and survive his death. stories can now be told and retold with accuate information. stories can be told and placed on paper for present and future to learn from.
How has the experience of writing the book change Truman? Has it been a positive or a negative change? How do you think it will affect the rest of his life?
Firstly, for those who are unfamiliar with the topic of Copote I will give some background. Truman Copote was the author of "Breakfast at Tiffany's", who was very successful among his peers as a writer. He surrounded himself with other writers and lived, what they called in his time, an alternative lifestyle. He was very flambouyant and confident in his abilities. When it came time for him to focus on a new writing venture, he decided that he wanted to write about true events and set out to research for his new book "In Cold Blood", Truman found himself becoming friends with one of the men accused of murdering a family in Kansas. He continued to build a bond with the gentlemen throughout the trial process and even helped to get new representation for the two accused and convicted killers. Over the couse of about 5 years, Capote attempts to get the killers to open up and explain what happened the night of the murders so that he can finish his book. Once he hears the events, however, he is dissappointed in the outcome because the one that he considered to be the weaker of the two or most like himself, confesses that he has killed everyone on his own. Truman is affected by this information negatively and does not seem to get himself back together again. He was never able to write again after this book. In the movie, we see him withdrawing and feeling sort of ashamed of himself. I think he expected to hear that the killings were done by the other guy and not his friend, who he believed that he knew very well. I think that in the end, he questioned his on morality and found himself lacking and thats why he was unable to write anything else.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Rashomon Phenomenon
The Rashamon phenomenon is simply the way that we gather and interpret information in our own minds and distinguish truth from falseness. Simply put, it is the way that we each rationalize and interpret what is being told to us. This is how two individuals can see the same movie or show and come up with two very different purposes or interpretations of what it was about. It is objectivity at its finest.
In the movie, I was drawn to the story of the wood cutter. He was not directly linked to the murder and rape, but was a witness to events. While it became clear in the end, he initially lied because he did not want to get involved with what was going on, he presented the story that showed little signs of self preservation. With each of the other stories, each character seemed to be telling events that made them victims in a since (the woman) and heroic in others (dead man) or overly strong (the bandit). Each character presented the need to tell the story in their favor except for the woodcutter. Even after admitting that he had lied, the woodcutter showed his humanity in telling the story and he told it while confirming events told by each of the other parties involved but with an unbiased and un-sensationalized viewpoint. After being humiliated by the beggar to whom he was telling the story, he continued to show his honesty and need to make amends by taking the infant home to be raised by him and his wife.
one way v. two way communication
So the subject of one way and two way communication came up in class. First, I wanted to make clear what one way and two way communications really is. One way communication is when information is given with the intent to inform and is not expected to have a response. For instance, at work, a memo informing of an important meeting or new policy changes would be considered one way communications. So it is easy to draw the conclusion that two way communication is when information is given with the purpose of drawing responses. A good scenario for this would be in a staff meeting or brainstorming session where an idea or problem is presented with the express purpose of drawing ideas from others in the room. Two way communications can easily be considered to be the better of the two. It gets all parties involved and allows them to feel a since of motivation towards any issue of task. It creates hope and good overall communication from all parties.
Why should we Study the media of early civilizations
Studying the advancements of early cultures is important because it allows for us to not only continue to push ourselves to improve upon the way that we see media and do things, but it allows us to understand just how far we have come as a society. It is also helpful to see that some of the techniques that were used in earlier times are still being put into play today. Looking back, helps us to understand how we got where we are today as well. Where would we be without the documented scribes of the past? Scribes could be considered to be some of the first forms of journalism. They helped to translate information from one party to another and while we are in the increased technology phase, the ways of the past still are relevant in today’s society.
Why we watch Rashomon
In class we watched the film Rashomon. It was very interesting to say the least and brought up a great discussion for the class. The question is, why watch a movie like Rashomon in a communications class. Well here goes. First, the movie is about the different perspectives of those involved in a rape and murder. Each person’s views of the events were different and it is often that way with anything. It is important in communications to understand that each person is going to add or subtract things from the way that they interpret things and no one is ever going to see anything the same. With the idea of mass media, each source seems to spin a story in the direction that is pleasing to them to get their ratings up. Big issues concerning the Country like the Trayvonne Martin case and the presidential election are both examples of how media play a role in swaying listeners and readers to one side or another. Very rarely is the issue addressed in a non-biased manor. To understand communications, one must understand the multidimensional purpose.
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